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The Pendulum Of Advertising

Teams of professionals, big and small, make up advertising agencies. They find contacts, coordinate research, and manage relationships.

They become the influencers and they build better brands.

This efficient and sometimes not so efficient practice is what makes or breaks companies. Though many are left unaware of the trials and tribulations of the average ad agency. They are too busy telling other peoples stories, so we don't often get to tell our own.

Sometimes advertising seems to be a bit of a challenge or a back door outlet for the day-to-day creative. So why do we do any of this? Well, making a difference as an advertiser is one of the most rewarding experiences on can have in the tech field.

The average advertising agency gets to make or break hundreds of brands in it's lifetime.

These are their stories.

A stay at home mom once decided that she was bored. The idea came one day and it stuck. She was stumbling through Etsy profiles. Let's call her Moe.

Now, Moe was a creative. Finishing graduate school was very satisfying as was being a first time mother. Her creative life was stunted a bit though. Her spare time filled with reading. So she decided to start a small business and it went incredibly well. In fact it transformed the life of her and her partner and their newborn son.

It's not everyday something like this happens but luckily for them it did. Soon they were forced to find a new avenue for their sales and they built a website.

A few years in, and the site wasn't doing well. They considered switching back to Etsy, but there seemed to be no turning back.

They started working with SEO companies to handle aspects of promotion, even hired a social media marketing firm. The numbers were stagnant, not bad, but they wanted the business to grow towards its full potential.

They hadn't pinpointed the problem with the business and thus they had a variety of different things happening. They were running social media ads that looked wildly different than the site. They had a voice on Facebook that wasn't their own. Users would stumble upon the ads and went hey got to the site, it seemed so vaguely different that they bounced off the site immediately. It only led to the demise of the brand.

That's why its important to have a fully functioning ad agency on your side. If you don't believe us check out Clockwork Medias article on the benefits of a holistic advertising agency. Integration of many kinds of media allows for a melting pot (their words) of cross contamination across a variety of platforms. This ensure that your business aesthetic remain untarnished.

Moe and her partner went back to the drawing board.

The site was in jeopardy, and they felt that they had only a slight bit of time to change the death sentence on their business. After some planning and research they decided to take a chance with a full fledged ad agency.

Moe and her husband Kevin haven't reached the end of their story yet. But they underwent some of the challenges of a transitioning to a full-time business. This isn't an uncommon practice these days.

The internet has only made becoming an entrepreneur more widespread.

Let's discuss Ted now. He's a proud grandfather and on top of that, he loves to go fishing and takes the occasional Monday off to go fishing. It's not that he's allergic to work or has a case of the Mondays, but Ted has worked hard at running his own business for years and years. So his family and even his receptionist push for him to take a little time for himself every now and then.

The trouble is, that the business started to take a hit in traffic online at one point. He wasn't sure how to fix the problem because the Google wasn't exactly at the top of his priority list. Understandably.

Well, after asking around Ted noticed an ad for a local advertising agency.

They noticed that his website, although well maintained for the nineties, and rife with information about the business and even the location easily referenced, the site wasn't earning much traffic.

The advertising agency of today was able to use a holistic approach to turn things around, and Ted found himself on a few more fishing trips than usual.

This story isn't over either. Advertising campaigns take plenty of time.

Often we find that the world keeps on changing, and the hardships that business owners feel when trying to market themselves only evolve. An ad agency can ensure that a local business or a major brand has the chance to be seen, through a variety of techniques.

Often we aren't able to see the holistic scope of our business. It's just not realistic. It takes the macroscopic view of an agency to truly get to the heart of the problems and see how the brand is effecting the world around it.

Buzzwords aside, if your business is only marketing on one or two different platforms, you’re at risk of falling behind.

Especially when it comes to marketing for Millennials and the new generations of digital natives that will follow, an integrated approach is the only real way to reach your audiences and earn their trust.

Welcome to the process of a full advertising agency.

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